A read-only tasks app is not very practical! Let’s add the ability to update the completed
state and mark/unmark our tasks as done.
First, though, we’ll extract the tasks-specific code to a separate screen named TasksScreen
class TasksScreen extends HookConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final state = ref.tasks.watchAll();
if (state.isLoading) {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
return ListView(
children: [
for (final task in state.model!) Text(task.title),
Remember to return this new widget from TasksApp
class TasksApp extends HookConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: ref.watch(repositoryInitializerProvider).when(
error: (error, _) => Text(error.toString()),
loading: () => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
data: (_) => TasksScreen(),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
Back to our TasksScreen
we are going to wrap our title text widget in a ListTile
prefixing it with a checkbox which, upon clicking, will toggle task completion:
class TasksScreen extends HookConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final state = ref.tasks.watchAll();
if (state.isLoading) {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
return ListView(
children: [
for (final task in state.model!)
leading: Checkbox(
value: task.completed,
onChanged: (value) => task.toggleCompleted().save(),
title: Text('${task.title} [id: ${task.id}]'),
If only the toggleCompleted()
method existed… 😀
Since Task
is immutable, we return a new Task
object with the inverse boolean value of completed
class Task extends DataModel<Task> {
final int? id;
final String title;
final bool completed;
Task({this.id, required this.title, this.completed = false});
Task toggleCompleted() {
return Task(id: this.id, title: this.title, completed: !this.completed).withKeyOf(this);
What exactly is withKeyOf(this)
When a new model is created, Flutter Data initializes it looking up its internal key based on its id
This way, Task(id: 4, title: 'a')
and Task(id: 4, title: 'b')
are essentially two versions of the same model.
When there is no id
(or potentially no id
, as in the case above) we can use withKeyOf
to ensure the new model is treated as an updated version of the old one.
Regenerate code, hot-reload and check all boxes…
Done! NEXT: Creating a new task